Christine Larsen

As an writer and illustrator, Larsen has worked with clients such as Dark Horse, DC Online, and Cartoon Network, in addition to publishing her own comics on The Larsen Project. Last October, her work appeared in the final issue of the Regular Show comic series, to favorable reviews. Her contributions to a forthcoming Adventure Time shorts collection will be released in November from KaBOOM!


Launched on World Refugee Day in June, NeedsList connects refugee aid workers with people who want to donate money, time, or supplies. The social enterprise platform helps build relationships between donors, NGOs, and dozens of nonprofit organizations serving refugees in Europe and the US.

Media Mobilizing Project

This media-based nonprofit uses storytelling as a means for community social justice, and has built a network of media, education, and organization resources to help fight for critical human rights issues. In January it launched #PhillyWeRise, an independent online platform to connect Philadelphians to fight against “the Trump agenda” and its surrounding social challenges.

Black and Brown Workers Collective

Standing at the intersection of the Worker’s Right’s movement and the Black Lives Matter movement, the Black and Brown Workers Collective are combating injustices happening every day in the community—deliberate wage disparity, racial bias, sexual abuse and harassment, and more. The 200+ strong group strive to challenge and dismantle systems of oppression through collective community action.

Simon Hauger

Hauger, an engineer and a current math and science teacher, started the after school Hybrid X Team in West Philadelphia High school a little over a decade ago. He challenges the students in math, science and engineering by mentoring them to creating hybrid vehicles. They have won multiple national competitions, and have even outperformed universities and corporations.

Robert Cheetham

Cheetham is passionate about making data open, accessible, and free to the public, as evidenced by projects like OpenDataVote and Summer of Maps. As founder and CEO of Azavea, he has led the charge for using mapping technology to answer complex social questions around urban planning, economic development, public transit, safety, energy and more.

Dr. Elaine Zackai

As the director of Clinical Genetics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Zackai has treated many rare conditions in her 49 years of practice. Her research has also included how we can learn from Holstein cows’ genetics when it comes to human reproduction. Recently, she was the recipient of the first-ever American Society of Human Genetics mentorship award, given for many years of professional development mentorship and training.

Anna Dhody

When an Old City construction project unearthed an 18th century burial ground this March, the Mütter Museum raced into action to exhume and preserve the historic bones and artifacts. Led by museum curator Dhody—a former Harvard osteologist—the resulting campaign (dubbed the Arch Street Bones Project) sought to conduct biological profiles of the skeletal remains, providing a historic look at some of Philadelphia’s first residents.

Dr. Alan W. Flake

In March, researchers from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia released a groundbreaking report on efforts to create an artificial womb to potentially improve survival odds for extremely premature infants. Led by Dr. Flake, an attending pediatric and fetal surgeon at CHOP, the researchers created a fluid-filled “Biobag” to extend the gestational period; in a study, the device kept fetal lambs alive for up to four weeks.

Clarifi and the Mayor’s Office of Reintegration Services for Ex-Offenders (RISE)

In an effort to expand its reintegration services, RISE, a city-run support agency for previously incarcerated individuals, partnered with Clarifi, a financial wellness nonprofit. Through workshops and individual counseling, the partnership sought to provide financial literacy education and coaching to help individuals reentering society work toward financial stability and lessen their likelihood of recidivism.